26 October 2005
A bad night at the movies
As you might know - "bad" sometimes is used to mean "good bad" - some things can be so bad it makes for a good experience. My now favourite on-line retailer, Stupid.com, have a nifty package called Bad Movie Night in which you get the usuals for a good movie night like soft drink cups, pop-corn for your micro, a barf bag, etc. AND 2 really BAD movies of your choice on DVD. The idea is you can make a bad movie night at home.
If you can't afford the 20 bucks, I can recommend a home made solution (one we tried on rainy nights in the junior officers baracks back when I was a young sergeant): Here's what you do: Join with some mates. Buy a lot of junk food, at least a case of beers (at least 8 liters) for *each* of the spectators, have everyone put on slippers and a much-used and little-washed helsetrøye (no clue what this garment would be called in English). Where we used to send someone down to the video rental, in our days you should be downloading, the following movies (more beer for your budget) from a P2P network near you: All the Rambo movies and another bad movie of your choice (my suggestion would be Lord of War if you can get it). Now you should be set up for a bad night at the movies, but only if you respect these rules:
If you can't afford the 20 bucks, I can recommend a home made solution (one we tried on rainy nights in the junior officers baracks back when I was a young sergeant): Here's what you do: Join with some mates. Buy a lot of junk food, at least a case of beers (at least 8 liters) for *each* of the spectators, have everyone put on slippers and a much-used and little-washed helsetrøye (no clue what this garment would be called in English). Where we used to send someone down to the video rental, in our days you should be downloading, the following movies (more beer for your budget) from a P2P network near you: All the Rambo movies and another bad movie of your choice (my suggestion would be Lord of War if you can get it). Now you should be set up for a bad night at the movies, but only if you respect these rules:
- All movies have to be shown with no notable break between the screenings
- You have to drink all the beers between the start of the first (of the four) movies and the end of the last one
- You can only sleep through one of the movies