26 October 2005
A bad night at the movies

If you can't afford the 20 bucks, I can recommend a home made solution (one we tried on rainy nights in the junior officers baracks back when I was a young sergeant): Here's what you do: Join with some mates. Buy a lot of junk food, at least a case of beers (at least 8 liters) for *each* of the spectators, have

- All movies have to be shown with no notable break between the screenings
- You have to drink all the beers between the start of the first (of the four) movies and the end of the last one
- You can only sleep through one of the movies
21 October 2005
Pixels for sale!

Here's something that is indeed strange to buy - and apparently also will be an unlikely return on investment. Alex Tew, a 21 year old Student in the UK has set up a page where you can by advertising at $1 per pixel. The catch: You have to buy a minimum of 100 pixels at a time. I'm now looking for good designers who can devise ads that are 1x1 pixel and try to beat Alex at his game!
19 October 2005
Nihilist chewing gum

There is a really stupid shop out there called Stupid.com - It will give me stuff to desire and blog about for years. My favourite so far in their selection is the Nihilist Chewing Gum - the gum without taste. It is, as any well-meaning nihilist would have it, "pointless as life itself".
I hope they will send me a sample in return for this terrific free advertising :-)
17 October 2005
Gregory Gray - where art thou?

Today it's not about something I found - it's about something I didn't find. Dammit! :-(
You know those odd records friends of you used to buy back in the vinyl days - and you made a tape copy? Well Gregory Gray's LP Think of Swans was one of them for me. And now I'd give "anything" to get the CD. Well - guess what - it doesn't exist. I can find obscure references to it, and I can even get some guy in Utah to get the LP, make a professional version CD of it and have me sent both - but the price is a bit stiff and I don't know this guy in Utah....
And anyway my old record player is out of work and I seem to have natural place for a new one in my house. So this time - your turn to help me out: Help me find the album on MP3 somewhere. Pleeez :-)
10 October 2005
Never stumble again!

In our series "what to buy for your mum" we're proud to present a new invention: Flashlights with slippers on them!
Personally I'd want flashlights integrated in my specs instead - maybe someone could tell me where to find it?