26 November 2003
A new kind of joint
Well - finally - for those who always wanted to try marihuana but never wanted to break the law. And - even better - you don't need to find a pusher and drive those shady alleys. The Original Herbal Smoke Shop has everything you need. It's like walking into a virtual Amsterdam café except I guess you won't actually get high. Ah - the things you can buy on-line...
20 November 2003
Is old weird?
Still looking for strange things to buy. www.weirdstuff.com sounded promising. It turns out it's not really weird stuff they sell, though, just old. On the other hand, the store should be just the right place if you want to build something weird :-)
19 November 2003
Strange things to buy
I didn't really have a good idea for what strange thing to look for today, so I simply thought I should look for whatever comes up when searching for "strange things to buy" at BizRate.com. And guess what? There are 25 items categorized into four *subcategories* for "Strange things to buy!" What can be stranger?
18 November 2003
Drive a tank before you die!
So many things to do before life ebbs out... And it seems - you can get most of it on-line. Why not go tank-driving in Hampshire, UK while the rest of the UK goes sXmas hopping in London? Of course - it might be cheaper (so you can drive your tank even more for the savings, if you just get your husband/wife to buy all the Xmas gifts on-line :-)
I'll be looking for strange things to buy on-line. Drop me a mail at gard{at}kelkoo.com if you want to share!
I'll be looking for strange things to buy on-line. Drop me a mail at gard{at}kelkoo.com if you want to share!
17 November 2003
A big step for real-estate agents
The web is full of interesting things you can buy - and it doesn't even have to be expensive to be really mind-blowing. What about buying land on the moon?